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Workers Strikes & Protests during August 2022

We need your assistance to ensure that this monthly report is comprehensive. Please submit details of any strikes or other protests in your state or community to tpapsnigeria@gmail.com All these strikes and protests need our support and solidarity. We call on all trade union branches to send messages of support and to organise solidarity visits to any...

Socialist Bulletin September 2022

Socialist Bulletin September 2022 is available for download. Read and share

Solidarity with ASUU – Forward to Victory!

ASUU members have now voted to continue with their strike action with the move to an indefinite strike.

What has the Government Offered ASUU After Six Months of Strike?

The ASUU strike is over the refusal of the Federal Government to implement its Memorandum of Agreement signed with ASUU at the end of the last strike that ended in December 2020 after nine months.

Workers Strikes & Protests during July 2022

All these strikes and protests need our support and solidarity. We call on all trade union branches to send messages of support and to organise solidarity visits to any strikes in their localities.


The August edition of Socialist Bulletin is available for download Read and share. SL-bulletin-August-2022-Download

PHOTOS SPEAK. Trade Union Protests in Every State – solidarity with education strikes

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), its member unions and others organise massive protests across the country in solidarity with the education strikes. The trade unions have yet again shown their ability to organise huge protests in all state capitals. 

NLC Charter of Demands

We believe that the Charter provides an important set of demands.  First, any politician who is asking for support from the millions of workers and other toiling people should be asked to accept the Charter as a basis for their manifesto.


Nine Questions for Politicians about Women What do you think should be done to reduce the incidence of maternal mortality in Nigeria from the current level of 814 women per 100,000 live birthsMaternal mortality can be reduced by increased access to maternal healthcare (that is, antenatal, natal and postnatal healthcare) mostly in...