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Does Asking the Government to do More on Security Save Lives? – Alex Batubo

Some people are campaigning for the security forces to do more on security. We are facing increased insecurity, but will demanding more from the armed forces really reduce the number of people who are killed? People have demanded that bandits, kidnappers and others be called ‘terrorists’ and so allow the army and others to...

Cameroon: never ending Biya

Paul Biya has now been in power in Cameroon for over four decades. A record of longevity leaving the populations drained in a corrupt country in the grip of a dirty war in its English-speaking region.

Socialist Bulletin December 2022

The December 2022 edition of socialist Bulletin is out for downloads.

Stop the Repression in Chad

After the National Conference in September 2022, the Chadian opposition was drowned in blood with over 50 killed, 300 injured and hundreds arrested according to the Government’s own figures. But Amnesty International reported 30 deaths in the southern town of Moundou alone. Chadian armed forces have been used against the rebels in Mali and...

Non-payment of University Salaries is an Attack on Us All!!

An attack on one is an attack on us all!

Socialist Bulletin, November 2022

Socialist Bulletin November 2022 is available for downloads

What is Politics?

Politics is therefore the conflict in the struggle in which the haves not only want to keep but to increase what they have while the have-nots want to survive.

Climate Change – fundamental change is essential

Global climate change is already having a detrimental impact on many of the poorer people of Nigeria.

Socialist Labour Bulletin October 2022

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ASUU members executed and sustained an amazing strike for eight months, most of that time without their wages being paid. The NLC organised a wonderful set of solidarity marches and rallies in all the state capitals at the end of the month of July, 2022, but unfortunately, this was not enough for victory. ASUU members have now returned to work based on a court order and the intervention of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.