“Class, Corruption and the Nigerian Criminal Justice System”
Saturday 25TH JANUARYZoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81087529655
Sudan – The resistance committees: a revolution from below
By Hamad Gamal et Sarah Bachellerie
Workers councils have developed at the highpoints of working class struggle over the...
Cameroon: never ending Biya
Paul Biya has now been in power in Cameroon for over four decades. A record of longevity leaving the populations drained in a corrupt country in the grip of a dirty war in its English-speaking region.
Stop the Repression in Chad
After the National Conference in September 2022, the Chadian opposition was drowned in blood with over 50 killed, 300 injured and hundreds...
What are the Origins of Instability across the Sahel?
The destabilization of the Sahel is part of the crisis of the postcolonial states of the three countries Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger (but also northern Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin etc).
The Enemy of Our Enemy May be Equally Our Enemy
The takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban raises issues for socialist internationalists.
Thomas Sankara – Burkina Faso
A popular coup d’état led by Captain Thomas Sankara made him President of, what was then called Upper Volta on August 4, 1983. He was only 33 years old. Four years later he was assassinated.
Elections in Benin and Chad then military coup in Chad shows Nigerian Government’s support...
The Buhari Government showed its support for dictators across the region during the general elections in neighbouring Benin and Chad; and then...
How Can We Address ‘insecurity’ – do aerial bombardments have any role?
On 3rd January 2021, French planes bombed a gathering near Bounty, a remote village in the middle of Mali. Soon afterwards, local...
Implications of Imperial Ambitions
By Simon Gilbert and Adrian Budd
China’s rulers have, for the past four decades, sought to increase...