The Police only Protect the Rich
The murder by the police of at least tens of protesters in recent days has raised the issue of the role of the police in our society. We hope that the police will be there to protect us when we suffer from acts of criminality. But we also know, even in normal times, that the police regularly...
The imposition of the N70,000 minimum wage presents opportunities for intensified struggles. Faced with hunger, children out of school and galloping inflation, workers, youths, women, farmers and the grassroot masses will engage in protests and struggles in the coming months. We should all support and encourage such protests. We can all support protests in our communities and...
The Masses are Rising in Protest Against Hunger
Socialist Labour is in total and unconditional support of the mass hunger protests. Yesterday, the people were overwhelmingly peaceful as they trooped out in their untold numbers. Members of Socialist Labour helped to organise protests in several states. The masses heard the call to #EndHunger and whole communities came out.
We are beginning to...
There may be just a few individuals who are not inclined to have titles and identities attached to their names. Some, perhaps, use these titles and identities to achieve socialisation, while for others, it is out of self-validation and fulfilment. Marxism has, for many years, attracted followers and gained acceptability....
We Need An Indefinite General Strike Now!
As we go to press with this month’s Socialist Bulletin it is not clear what the outcome of the minimum wage struggle is. Over three weeks ago the NLC gave the Government a week’s notice to resolve the issue, but nothing has happened.
It is clear that only a robust and indefinite general strike...
The Predisposition and Possibilities of Crisis in the Sphere of Production
Izielen Agbon
In the last article in this series, we examined the predisposition and possibilities of crisis during the first stage of the circulation of capital when the capitalist appears as buyer in the labour and commodity markets. This time, we will examine the predisposition and possibilities of Crisis during the second stage. The...
We have to try and understand the world to be able to change it!
It is important that socialists educate ourselves by reading at least a few basic socialist booklets.
Below we have provided a list of booklets that we can recommend to read to gain a basic understanding of the world, our history and how we can help to build a better society.
We All Need to Make Our Trade Union Branches Stronger
All supporters of Socialist Labour should be active in their trade union branches. That way we can all help to win a decent minimum wage and other improvements in our working lives.
Below we provide some practical advice.
We need to improve this guidance with your ideas, suggestions and experience.
Only a Resolute General Strike Can Win a Decent Minimum Wage
The situation in Nigeria is now far more critical for workers than a year ago. The majority of the population has suffered the greatest attack on its living standards for a generation. This led to the explosion in crime and insecurity. There is an urgent need for intense mass mobilisations and a well-organized sustained national general strike...
Only a Resolute General Strike Can Win a Decent Minimum Wage
The situation in Nigeria is now far more critical for workers than a year ago. The majority of the population has suffered the greatest attack on its living standards for a generation. This led to the explosion in crime and insecurity. There is an urgent need for intense mass mobilisations and a well-organized sustained national general strike...