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WE WON: University of Lagos Students Assert Their Democratic Rights Amidst Adverse Circumstances

To reconvene, kick-start total protests and agitations after 48 hours ultimatum Yesterday's protest by University of Lagos students against fee hike and underfunding of education is a powerful display of class consciousness and collective action.It was a direct confrontation rejecting the neoliberal siege on public education.We maintain that our struggle is a fight for...

‘A tinderbox waiting to explode’: Niger and neo-colonialism

An interview with a member of Socialist Labour. It will be working class rank and file soldiers that will bear the brunt of the fighting in any invasion, sent to fight their class brothers in Niger, whilst the ruling elite cheer them on. This is one of the main reasons why we are against...

We Need a Sustained Fight Back Against the High Cost of Living

Workers and the popular masses have suffered a continued massive attack on their living standards. This cannot continue, we have to build a mass popular campaign led by the labour movement to significantly reverse the massive increase in inequality. The alternative is a continued rise in abject poverty and destitution that will lead to increasing numbers of...

Socialist Bulletin September 2023

The socialist Bulletin from Socialist Labour is available for the month of Septermber 2023. Download, read and share widely. SEPTEMBER-Bulletin-2023Download


STORY OF HIKE IN THE PRICE OF FUEL?  By Biodun Olamosu Biodun Olamosu Biodun provides the background that we need to understand the recent massive hike in the price of petrol, transport costs and so inflation generally.  We all know that as a result we...

Socialist Labour Bulletin August 2023 Edition

Read and distribute widely. SL-Socialist-Bulletin-Aug-2023-Download

We All Need to Build the NLC Protests and a National Strike

• Support the labour movement protests and general strike now!• Organise massive protests in all towns and cities!!• Unity and solidarity by all popular organisations to win!!!The Tinubu government has resolved to fully implement the neoliberal policies of the IMF and World Bank. This means a massive growth of poverty for us and further enrichment for the...

Niger Needs A Mass Struggle Against Inequality, not a Coup

As in Nigeria, the mass of the population in Niger suffer horrendous poverty. The military coup will not help these people. It is also likely to see more repression against the much-needed mass movement against poverty and the other anti-people policies. However, an invasion by Nigeria would only make matters so much worse. Many...

What Does a Mass Protest Look Like?

The following video reminds us what a mass protest looks like. This was the last time we saw a major national general strike when Goodluck Johnathan threatened to increase the price of fuel from N65 to N200 in early 2012. The eight-day general strike resulted in the fuel price being increased by less than 50 percent.