Workers in at least five states, and the FCT, are now on the strike over the implementation of the minimum wage. This dispute is already winning, as many more states are now implementing the new minimum wage than was the case in 2019. In addition, the states now have far more money, and so this dispute should be much easier to win. We need to ensure that the NLC leaders in each state are resolute and continue the strikes until victory is achieved.
The FAAC meeting in November distributed a record amount of N1.4 trillion oil money. This is 15% more than the average for earlier this year. This year, the average FAAC allocations are 40% higher than last year’s record high amount. As a result, all states can afford to be generous with their minimum wage implementation. They just need to be pushed by effective trade union action. The following graph shows how much oil money the states and Federal Government are now receiving each month:

In 2019 the N30,000 minimum wage would buy 200 litres of petrol. In May of this year, when the N70,000 minimum wage was agreed, it could buy 100 litres, now it may not buy even 55 litres. We must ensure that we improve on this situation. Unity, solidarity and robust strike action can win important victories.
Cross River, Ebonyi, Kaduna, Nasarawa, Zamfara States and the FCT have confirmed participation in this strike. A couple of other states may soon decide to join. Unity, solidarity and robust strike action can easily win important victories.
This is a chance to win a better minimum wage back-dated to at least July, when the law came into force. The next chance will be in three years-time. Can workers survive this long without a big increase now? Socialist Labour supports the NLC call for state wide strikes for the immediate implementation of the minimum wage in states where the minimum wage is not being paid. We call on all workers and citizens in those States to join the strikes and ensure they are successful.
Please let us know what is happening in your state – now is the time for a robust fight!
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