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To join the Socialist Labour supporters WhatsApp group click this link:

Members of Socialist Labour make regular financial contributions, actively build the organisation, are active in their trade union branches and in campaigns like ASCAB and TPAP-M.

Socialist Labour holds weekly Zoom meetings and monthly public meetings. We produce a monthly Socialist Bulletin and an occasional newspaper, Socialist Labour. We encourage our members and supporters to help to build and attend our meetings and distribute our publications.
We will only grow and extend our influence if our members are active and help to build the organisation.
The standard rate of Socialist Labour subs is N1,000 a month, with a lower rate of N500 for students or unemployed and N5,000 for higher paid comrades. We can all afford something – every little helps.
Socialist Labour’s bank account is:
First Bank Nig. Ltd. Account No. 3158880328.
Account Name: Aborisade Albert Femi.
This account is only used for Socialist Labour purposes.