Mobilisation for an Active General Strike is Essential

In the last year, the working-class in Nigeria have suffered a series of major setbacks. It is essential that these defeats are...

NLC and TUC Need to Change Strategy – lessons from the last decade –...

The strategy of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) over the last decade or so has included extended negotiations, limited strike threats and generally calling off strikes at the last moment. The assumption appears to have been that we have decent governments that only occasionally need reminding to do the right thing. In fact we have corrupt governments that only work to further enrich themselves and their elite friends. They rarely, if ever, actually implement any agreements that they have signed with the trade unions.

WE WON: University of Lagos Students Assert Their Democratic Rights Amidst Adverse Circumstances

To reconvene, kick-start total protests and agitations after 48 hours ultimatum Yesterday's protest by University of Lagos students against...

‘A tinderbox waiting to explode’: Niger and neo-colonialism

An interview with a member of Socialist Labour. It will be working class rank and file soldiers that will...

We Need a Sustained Fight Back Against the High Cost of Living

Workers and the popular masses have suffered a continued massive attack on their living standards. This cannot continue, we have to build...


STORY OF HIKE IN THE PRICE OF FUEL?  By Biodun Olamosu Biodun Olamosu

Socialist Labour Bulletin August 2023 Edition

Read and distribute widely. SL-Socialist-Bulletin-Aug-2023-Download

We All Need to Build the NLC Protests and a National Strike

• Support the labour movement protests and general strike now!• Organise massive protests in all towns and cities!!• Unity and solidarity by...

Niger Needs A Mass Struggle Against Inequality, not a Coup

As in Nigeria, the mass of the population in Niger suffer horrendous poverty. The military coup will not help these people. It...


Comrade Laoye Sanda li